Cornick Help Center

    VSIPPTZKBV2 - How to Setup & Use the PTZ Keyboard

    July 27th, 2024


    If your VSIPPTZKBV2 firmware is older than 2020-01-06, You will need to update firmware.

    Firmware can be found here. You will need to use Config Tool to upgrade it, instructions can be found in this guide.

    Keyboard and NVR Connection

    When connecting the keyboard to an NVR, the keyboard and NVR must be on the same local network. The LAN ports both will need to be plugged into a network switch or a router/modem depending on the network layout on site.


    PTZ Keyboard Setup

    In this example, we are going to connect to an NVR, with a PTZ camera connected to it.

    The NVR IP address is going to be, and the PTZ Keyboard will have an address of

    1. Once the keyboard is powered up you'll then see the below display.
    2. Press the ENTER button, and input the password 888888. Press the ENTER button to proceed.
    3. Select Menu Settings > System > Network
    4. Set DHCP to Off. Press ENTER
    5. In this menu, you may assign an IP address to the PTZ Keyboard, please ensure it is within the same network range as the recorder you are connecting to. In this case, we are going to give the PTZ Keyboard an IP address of Press the ENTER button to save the settings.
    6. Press the ESC button and select the Zone option.
    7.  Set the following  parameters, then Press ENTER.
      ID: 1
      Name: Name to identify the NVR.
      IP Addr: IP Address of the NVR (In this case the IP address is


    If you have multiple recorders you can create different ID numbers for each recorder, each with a different IP Address and name.

    PTZ Keyboard Usage

    Logging into the NVR

    To start using the PTZ keyboard you must first connect to the NVR.

    1. Press the ID Button. Enter the password (888888 by default), then press ENTER
    2. Enter the ID of the recorder you wish to connect to. If you followed the instructions above, the ID will likely be 1.

    Viewing a Camera

    To view a camera, press a number button on the keyboard (this must be the camera channel number on the NVR), then press the CAM button. You can then view the camera you have chosen in full screen on the recorder.

    Controlling a PTZ

    To control a PTZ camera, select a number button on the keyboard (this must be the camera channel number on the NVR), then press the PTZ button. You will now have control over the camera.

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