Cornick Help Center

    VSPOE-SWB16G2 Advanced Configuration

    July 27th, 2024

    The VSPOE-SWB16G2 has some features that are not accessible via the web interface, such as advanced spanning tree settings.

    To access these features, SSH must first be turned on.

    We recommend these advanced features be setup by an IT professional.

    Enabling SSH

    Before beginning download and extract the below zip file.


    In order to turn on SSH, we will be importing a configuration file which has SSH already turned on.

    1. Log into the switch using its default IP address If this is your first time logging in, you will be prompted to change the password.

    2.Select the Maintain option, then Config Manage.

    3. Select Browse, then select the configuration file you download earlier. Select Upload.

    4. After importing the configuration file, the switch will now have the below details.

    Username: admin

    Password: admin123

    IP Address:

    Using PUTTY to connect to the switch

    1. Download PUTTY to your computer, the software can be found here:

    2. Open PUTTY

    3. Select SSH and enter the IP address of the switch.

    4. Select Open.

    5. If you are a Security Alert prompt appears, select Yes.

    6. Enter the username and password of the switch. (Username: admin & Password: admin123) When typing the password, it will not be shown on screen.

    7. Once the login is successful, you will be able to configure the switch.

    Configuring Features

    Follow the above two procedures to gain access to the switch using SSH.

    The below user manual goes into detail of each command.

    VSPOE-SWB16G2 PoE Switch Command Line Reference Manual V1.1.0.pdf

    Below are some commonly used commands.

    Enter configuration mode - configure terminal

    Exit configuration mode - exit

    Save config (must first exit from config mode) - copy running-config startup-config

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