Cornick Help Center

    Disabling Door Sensor Function

    July 27th, 2024

    If your intercom is sending a notification to your mobile device or an alert on the monitor when the door station has been rebooted, it could be due to the “Door Sensor” function being enabled.

    This function checks for which state the door is in, and will alert you if the door has been open for longer the the “Door Sensor Check Duration” which is 30 seconds by default. If you are not using a monitored door latch, this function should be turned off.


    The setting can be found by logging into the door stations web interface, selecting Local Settings > Access Control Settings > Local.

    Select “Off” for Door Sensor Enable. Select “Save”.

    Reboot both the door station and monitor and ensure the changes have applied. You should no longer see the door sensor alert come up on the indoor monitor or on your mobile device.

    Alternatively, on the back of the door station you can connect the “Feedback” (Also labelled as “Door_FB” on some models) and “GND” wires together. The door station will then think the door is closed.

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