Camera Mounting Requirements
Before installing the VSIPNP-2BIRM-I or VSIPNP-2BIRM-I2 camera, please follow the below guidelines.
When using ANPR, the camera will need to be dedicated to the task. It will need to be focused on the entry point to the premises, not covering a wide area.
For example, it can be used in a driveway at an electric gate, or at a shopping centre with a boom gate.
The camera needs to get a clear image of the number plate.
At night, light emitted from the infrared illumination LEDs on the camera must reflect from the number plate and return into the camera lens. If the angle is too sharp, the light will bounce away from the lens and the number plate will not be readable.
At the same time, you must ensure that the camera is mounted in a location where it is not subjected to the direct beam from the vehicle headlights for long enough to get an image – halogen lights will overwhelm the image sensor resulting in glare that cannot be corrected by the software highlight compensation.
For installations where the ANPR is mounted right above the lane, the horizontal angle should be less than 30°.For installations where the ANPR is mounted to the side of the lane, the vertical angle should be less than 30°.
The angle of the Number plate should be less than 5°.
The vehicle must not be travelling over 40KM/H.
The camera must be positioned no more then 10 meters horizontally from the number plate detection area.
Snapshot Line Setup
To configure the ANPR settings on the camera, the camera needs to configured with a computer. The simplest way to achieve this is to connect the camera to a PoE Switch, and connect a computer to a PoE Switch.
1. Set your computer in the same IP address range of the camera, see this article.
2. Enter the IP address of the camera into a web browser (Internet Explorer recommended).
3. You will be prompted to login, enter the username and password. If the camera has never been connected to a recorder, you will be prompted to set a password, and email address.
4. Select Guide.
5. Select OK to confirm your camera has the latest firmware installed.
6. Zoom the camera into the area where the number plates will be. Select the Snapshot button, to freeze the image. Select the Local Range Button to digitally zoom in. Select the Red and Yellow box, and move it to where the number plates will be seen on screen.
7. Select Check Pixel, then Yes confirm your settings.
8. Draw the Iden Area (Identification Area) and Snap Line (Snapshot Line). Select Finish once done.
9. The basic settings are now completed. Test the camera and ensure plates are getting recorder. If you wish to make additional adjustments, select the Config (LPR) button.
Adjusting Shutter Speed
Depending on where the camera is installed, you may be required to manually adjust the shutter speed.
1. Select Setup.
2. Select Camera, then Attribute.

4. Adjust the shutter settings to suit the installation environment. Select Confirm to save your changes.
Plate Query Search - Camera Web Interface
To search number plates that the camera has captured, you will first need to log into the web interface of the camera.
1. Select Query.

2. Select Plate Query.

4. If you wish to export this data (CSV Format), select the Export button.
IR Settings
To adjust IR settings, login to the web interface of the camera, then navigate to the below.
Setup > Camera > Attribute > General
Auto Mode related to IR and has 2 settings
Time or Brightness(Auto)
Time can be used to set IR to activate/deactivate based on Time
Brightness is automatic, but you can increase the IR Strength.
Camera Alarm Output - Wiring to an Electric Gate Motor
The below diagram covers how to wire the ANPR camera into a gate using a relay. This wiring is done directly from the camera, not the recorder (if being used). This assumes that the gate it is being connected to has an "Auto Close" function. e.g. Camera reads number plate, gate is opened. Gate is set to close after 60 seconds.
It is highly recommended to use a relay between a gate, as some gates can act sporadically if the relay is not used.
Ensure relay output 3 on the camera is used. Output 3 will also need to be select on the web interface of the camera for "Barrier Open".
Alarm Output Configuration
Once the camera is wired to the electric gate, follow the below steps to program the camera.
- Select Setup.
- Select Blocklist and Allowlist, then Barrier Control.
- Select NO3 for the Barrier Opening Function. (As wired in the previous step) Then select Confirm.
If you wish to test the wiring is correct, select the Manually Open button, this will manually trigger the relay on the camera.
Setup and Search Using an NVR
Adding an ANPR Camera to an NVR
The ANPR Camera can be connected directly to the back of the NVR, or through an external PoE Switch.
Information on adding the cameras through an external PoE Switch can be found here.
Enable ANPR on an NVR
When connecting the camera to the NVR, there is some configuration that is required.
1. Right Click and select Main Menu.
2. Select Storage.
3. Select Schedule.
4. Select the Channel that the ANPR camera is connect to, and apply the Intelligent recording option. Select Apply.
5. Right Click to return to the Main Menu.
6. Select AI.
7. Select Parameters, then ANPR.

8. Select the Channel that the ANPR camera is connected to. Change the settings to suit the installation, e.g. set a schedule or enable an alarm output. These settings can be different between between the General Li Select Apply.

Configuring Block & Allow Lists on a NVR
1. Right Click and select Main Menu.2. Select AI.

3. Select Database, then Block/Allow List.

4. Select Add.

5. Enter the details of the Plate and Owner. Choose either the Allow List, or Black List, and set the period the rule will apply for. Select OK.

Number Plate Search on an NVR
Ensure ANPR is enable on the recorder, before trying to search for number plates.
1. Right Click and select Main Menu.2. Select AI.

3. Select AI Search, then Motor Vehicle Detection.

4. Select the Channel you wish to search, the Start Time and End Time, then enter a Plate No. (If you wish to search for all plates, leave the Plate No. field blank). Select Search.

5. Search Results will be displayed, double click on the vehicle to show a preview.

Enable/Disable Syncing Vehicle Blocklist/Allowlist between ANPR & NVR
- Navigate to Main Menu > AI > Parameters > ANPR
- Enable/Disable Sync Vehicle Blocklist/Allowlist, then select Apply.